Stress and Gout

Stress and gout are definitely associated. Research has shown that stress can affect the level of gout pain and perhaps even bring on gout attacks more frequently.

‘Disease’ literally means that your body is not at ease.

Stress is associated with a large number of health conditions. It can be a cause of some. It can be a trigger of other conditions. And, in general, it will hinder the natural healing process that the body goes through when treatments for health conditions are being undertaken. Stress and gout shouldn’t mix.

Stress releases the hormone cortisol which puts the body into ‘fight or flight’ readiness. This process can either shut off bodily processes, like digestion, or hamper others, such as circulation by raising blood pressure.

The immune system can also become suppressed. This is a particular problem where stress and gout clash. Inflammation is affected by cortisol levels. With the immune system becoming less sensitive to cortisol, inflammation in gouty joints can worsen markedly.

Stress responses are highly individual. An event that will send someone into a deep depression, others will take in their stride. Many factors determine the degree of stress response to any given situation and the effect is cumulative. Repeatedly experiencing something that is viewed as ‘bad’ or ‘unpleasant’ will tend to trigger a worsening stress response. The same is true of stress and gout. It’s not the particular experience that will cause stress and gout to impact. It is the gout sufferer’s response to a situation that will determine if stress levels rise and gout is affected.

The key is to break the cycle, which is easier said than done.

There are many techniques to reduce stress levels.

Exercise helps. Meditation, a change of environment or a change of people that you associate with may be all that is necessary. It depends on the individual. Just as different people can experience vastly different levels of stress response to the same situation, the effectiveness of measures to alleviate stress can also vary widely from person to person.

It’s a matter of trial and error and, above all, persistence until something that works for you is found and the stress and gout link is weakened or broken completely.